Collaborators We Love!

Lawrence Lanoff

Reid Mihalko

Major Tom

Shawn Roop
Lawrence is a true “energy master” he is the first person not afraid of my intensity, the parts of me that people ran from most of my life, he would just smile and say, “Is that all you got Monique?”
We have known each other for almost 2 decades now, and besides being one of my deepest beloveds, he is the most brilliant human I have ever met. His greatest superpower is Clarity. He has seen so much, experienced so much in his lifetime, and has constantly asked why, so now he is able to offer life hacks or shortcuts to anyone willing to listen.
Reid was my entry point to this journey, he created ‘cuddle party’ a boundaries and communication workshop, that was my gateway from Mormon housewife to being the open woman I am today, living the life of my dreams. Reid’s super power is being able to translate big concepts into bite size chunks, on anything from energy, to threesomes, to deep throating. He’s the funniest facilitator you will ever encounter, and is truly masterful at whatever he offers. During the 20 years I’ve known him, I have had the pleasure of apprenticing with him, being lovers, and teaching by his side.. www.ReidAboutSex.com
I haven’t known Major for as long as some of my other beloveds, but in a lot of ways he is my favorite collaborator! He holds impeccable space, is willing to have difficult conversations about anything, loves to have people tune into “brave vs safe” spaces. He is equally versed in kink, authentic relating, and running the best play parties in town ( his nickname is orgydaddy) I can’t wait to say he’s been my beloved for 20 years! www.Consciousplay.net
It’s hard to sum up what I respect about Shawn. He has been one of my deepest beloveds for the past 17 years. He was my introduction to Tantra, and I’ve taken his 8 day Tantra training almost a dozen times. Shawn has the ability to help you come back home to you, figure out where energy is leaking as you are giving your power away outside yourself, and how to love yourself and be your own cheerleader at least as much as you are anyone’s else’s. Shawn was my bridge between sex and spirit, and had consistently helped me come back to my own path so on my deathbed, I can truly say, “I lived a life well lived” he also mentors most of my other friends and peers in the various industries I have crossover in.

James Stevenson

Taina Ixchel

Lauren & Russell

Cathy Vartuli’s
James is the founder of Awaken as Love and an international Tantra festival organizer. He has been one of my and Peter’s best friends as we all travel and teach or play together around the world. James is a genius at taking the super heady stuff and being able to bring it into the body, so you can understand it both ways, he is one of the most inclusive people I have ever met, who truly wants to help humanity thrive. It’s an honor to get to love and be loved by him. www.jamesstevenson.life
Taina has been one of my longest “woman , friends” she and I have traveled the world together, teaching, exploring, learning, and the whole time leaning into love, as both of our greatest wounding came from other women. She is called a power priestess, and I love getting to facilitate by her side, whether it’s awaken as love, or our priestess training, I get front row seating as she helps those who are ready to stop holding back. One of my first memories of Taina, was her doing her chakras scrubby bubble meditation. It made me laugh so hard, and I could feel her power even in a simple humorous meditation, I just know we will know each other and continue going deeper for the rest of our lives.
I’ve known and loved Lauren for over a decade, her dedication and sensitivity as a teacher is boundless. She loves bringing people back to pleasure and owning their desires. I got to watch as she fell in love with Russell, and see how they complement one another so beautifully. They are an incredible team. With Russell’s meditation voice, his shamanistic gifts and space holding, together they run rituals, temple spaces, and deeper longer trainings with ease and grace. They have also just recently stepped into the awaken as love family with us. So grateful they are our friends, collaborators and chosen family.
Cathy Vartuli has become one of my best friends in the entire world, whenever I have a break, I like to take down time at her house, as we do work things but also rest and recharge really well. Cathy is an engineer and very intelligent, but she is equally compassionate and cares and wants to help the most amount of people she can. She leads people through tapping, cuddle parties, meditations, and she’s the most excellent person I know to help you tell your story, to help you write content, and she’s an expert on using Ai to help those of us in the sacred sxxuality field, bring our gifts forward with more ease and efficiently. I’m so grateful she is in my world and my heart forever, I would trust her with my life.https://theintimacydojo.com

Rina Trevi
Nikki Lundburg
Yaw Tutu Yaw
I’ve only known Rina a few years, but she’s quickly become someone I collaborate with as often as I can. Rina has a background as a Dominatrix from New York, she can hold incredible space, but where she truly shines is in Shibari. Instead of just teaching techniques, she teaches the heart and soul behind tying. She’s a natural Tantrika, and in everything she offers, it’s ritual, using your body to bridge heaven and earth, to remind people of their divinity. I’m so grateful she let me into her heart, and life. Hope we get to work together and play together until we are both 100 years old!
Nikki came into my awareness a little over 5 years ago. She sent me a love letter, expressing her crush on me. I loved the honesty, directness, and courage it took to write that letter. She came to many trainings of mine, even though she had been teaching erotic classes for years on her own. We found we weave together beautifully, both complementing one another in our teaching styles. I love traveling the world together, cuddled, whispering vulnerable things together, tag teaming other lovers together, being in front of the room offering our gifts together. I feel like Nikki is one of my greatest allys and I’m so grateful she is in my life. https://www.nikkilundberg.com/
Cathleene and I have been friends for almost two decades. I met her early on in my tantric journey, and we quickly became friends, sisters, fellow mommas on this path, raising our sons while doing so. We got to witness one another grow into our power and gifts and we collaborate every chance we get, especially in Awaken as Love and Tantric Practitioner Healing Arts Training. So grateful to have such a powerful ally
Yaw is one of our newest collaborators, but he has been teaching for decades in the fields of Thai massage and Tantric Rituals. He has an infectious joy that spreads all over the room, I love his touch and hid teaching style. Happy he is part of our traveling Tantra family

Skye & James
Skye and James are two of our newest collaborators and friends, they bring a passion and commitment to this work unlike most people I’ve ever run into. Their joy as they tie or co-Dom people is contagious. Skye is also an amazing web designer, so if you want to be tied up or have a website showcasing your skills, they/she are a perfect fit. So excited to have front row seats as they continue to grow and evolve .
Coming soon more friends & facilitators we love!