06/01/2020 thru 06/07/2020,
🌎 This is the most epic Tantra Festival lineup there has ever been!⭐ Over 100 of the top Tantra teachers in the world gathered!
⭐ 200+ hours of workshop, ceremonies, rituals, performances and more!
⭐ Round the clock content, 24 hours for 7 days straight.
⭐ 30 days of access to the recorded workshops.
❤️ Get your ticket now – www.tantrafestival.online
One life changing week where the top Tantra Teachers from around the world come together in a way never possible before.
Together we turn limitation into limitless, as we are free from geographic or time restrictions!
Come learn tools, techniques and practices to support you in living a more exquisite life full of love, power and ease.
Tantra is not about learning something new, but remembering who we are. And what we are: Complete expressions of divine love.
Tantra a journey of uniting of our heart and mind. body and soul. sexuality and spirituality. Tantra supports the release of guilt, shame and fear which hinders us in fulfilling our purpose and experiencing maximum joy and ease in this life.
The practical application of Tantra to our modern lives offers the key to find the freedom we yearn for and intimacy of connection we desire.
✦✦✦Confirmed Presenters and Performers✦✦✦
Shashi Solluna * James Stevenson * Riya Sokol * Lin Holmquist Shawn Roop * Sofia Sundari * Bruce Lyon * Monique Darling * Peter Petersen Eugene Hedlund * Fia Forsström * Triambika Ma Vive * Laurie Handlers * Lawrence Lanoff * KamalaDevi McClure * Buster Rådvik Rachel Rickards * Ohad Pele * Dawn Cherie * Komala Ji * Betty Martin * Reid Mihalko * Robyn Vogel * Victoria Redbard * Jason Tantra * Ingo Tantra * Ronja Sebastian * Elaine Yonge * Destin Gerek * Jamie Elizabeth Thompson * Matthias Schwenteck * Sanna Sanita * Buddhi Dana * Arja Hendrikx * Solar Bodhidharma * Aida Lucie * Scott McClure * Melanie Marie McClure * Shaft Uddin * Amanda Ananda * Aaron Kleinermann * Chantelle Raven * Deva Presence * Leslie Grace * Swami Anahata * Crystal Dawn Morris * Elfriede Van Der Sanden * Rakesh Mikiling * Laura Deva * Fredrik Swahn * Janie Petersen * Om Rupani * Penny Goldmuntz * Wakatu Roni * Amber Ra * Yehoo Shalem Ezrahi * Kat Fleming * Anand Rudra * Wilrieke Sophia * Michael Gibson * Briana Cribeyer * Magda Kwiatkowska * Dhyan Niten * Vikki Oriah * Martha Tara Lee * Mevanya * Philippe Lewis * Cathleene Cienfuegos * Bynoi Desouza * Marion Ellyard * Heidi Loeppky * Krystal Alexander-Hille * Lourdes Starshower Pollock * Virginia Salas Kastilio * Bynoi Desouza * Shaft Uddin * Matthew Ayriss * Swami Anahata * Nadine Lee * Kevin Orosz * Karen Craig * Brion Craig * Britteny Leigh Bliss * Sasha Rose Love * Vikki Oriah * Mevanya * Jan Der Boer * Caroline Der Boer * Cathy Vartuli * Ron Van Twuiver * Jasmeen Hana * Sean O’Faolain * Janina Vivianne * Shelby Smith * Kami Mitchell * Kristina Loven * Stephanie Arja
And more to come…
Amazing workshops, concerts, ceremonies – Come unite in the Tantric Spirit of Love and Acceptance with a global audience unlike has ever been possible. Through isolation let us find connection!
⭐Get your ticket now – www.tantrafestival.online
✦✦✦Ticket Prices and Options (USD)✦✦✦
Know that each ticket purchase is also financially supporting the artists and presenters most of which have had to cancel all of their upcoming work and while they love to share their gifts, they too are navigating financial uncertainty in a changing world.
❤️ Regular Ticket Price: $199 – Just that, our full ticket price for full festival access – For those who are in financial ease with little to no impact from the restrictions
❤️ Partial Discount Ticket: $149 – For those who have had some impact and could use support but are otherwise in a reasonable flow.
❤️ Deep Discount Ticket: $99 – A 50% reduction for those who have low to no income, due to the current restrictions
This pricing format is an opportunity for all of us to tune in and receive the gift of asking for support when we need it or to receive the gift of offering support generously when we have extra to share, so that each person called to be part of this festival, may do in the spirit of power and love.
*If you are in need of full financial support, we have options as a festival ambassador, volunteer or full scholarship recipient. – Details and application form on the website – ❤️ Get your ticket now – www.tantrafestival.online
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