Art of Adoration Ceremony: Goddess to Goddess with Monique Darling

10/12/2021, Vista

Art of Adoration Ceremony: Goddess to Goddess with Monique Darling
A beautiful and sacred ancient ritual that has been practiced for thousands of years.

There are only 30 spots for this very special and unique ceremony. Secure your tickets early as we will sell out!

Please register here:

Monique Darling invites you to the Art of Adoration Ceremony. A beautiful and sacred ancient ritual that has been practiced for thousands of years. It is a beautiful ceremony of honoring and adoring the Divine that dwells within each of us, and brings us into a profound space of connection and universal Love.

This experience welcomes the Goddess tonight, only those who identify as female for this particular event.

Effective immediately, all event attendees will be required to provide a pre-entry negative COVID-19 test (24 hours).

Your negative COVID-19 test must be:

an official document

clear & legible

dated within 24 hours prior to the event start date

We will also have a limited quantity of at the door rapid tests sold at cost $20

Step into a world of acceptance and sensation where all of you is welcome. Each woman is invited into magical connections to expand your experience of giving and receiving. The ritual begins the moment you enter as you are celebrated, seen and adored for ALL you are.

Goddesses will not know whether they will be in the giving or receiving role until they arrive. We will use movement, sound and the five elements, all given to us with ample instruction, enriching each experience throughout the ceremony. You may find yourself turning inwards and becoming aware of abundant love and innate beauty that is part of your being.

In this adoration ceremony, women in the giving role have the opportunity to express their unconditional love and adoration towards all people. This ceremony opens people’s hearts in a way that allows them to see the inner beauty and the Divine within us all. The women in the giving role will be instructed in performing an ancient ritual, which is simple in form yet very powerful in practice. As the women in the receiving role accept the offerings and adoration, they in turn connect with unconditional love and reflect that adoration back to the givers with their presence. Taking part in these rituals is a very powerful way to reconnect and relate with the feminine and masculine, inside each of us as women. It is through the practice of unconditional loving that we find that any emptiness or longing we feel within us can be filled with a simple act of giving.

This ancient ritual is thousands of years old. It was brought to life by those who implemented the practice of breathing life and awareness through the five elements (Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Ether) in offering to the divine within every living being. We will offer fire, incense, roses, water, chocolate and more in adoration and worship of our divine essence.

We welcome you to reclaim your space and powerful place in the world as we unveil your deepest core. You will leave enchanted having fallen more deeply in love with YOU.

With open hearts and deep connection you will be “rebirthed” from a place of complete vulnerability and fullness as you choose to wake up to YOU!

This is a non-sxxual, non sensual experience, participate with one special individual or with rotating partners every few minutes.

Peter Petersen (Monique’s Partner will be cofacilitating this evening)

Love Exchange $50 Please register via Eventbrite as we always sell out.

What others have said about This Ceremony:

“Heart opening, will make you cry, have your energy flow through every pore, try it on”

“Not knowing what to expect upon entering this illuminated room, I found myself being honored and revered in the most sacred way. I left feeling most loved. Thank you for the gift of myself”

“A very supportive group to encourage claiming our full freedom and outrageous loveliness”

”Don’t ask, just go!! Serenity, grace, and fullness await”

“I saw myself as a person capable of loving someone and being loved, realized my mom and dad ARE proud of me, I see in me the person I was always meant to be”

Sending out big hugs to Monique Darling for hosting such a beautiful Ceremony. You know, we all live in a world in which we are over worked and often under-appreciated. This ritual was an opportunity to have one’s heart filled up with unconditional love. It was a transformative event, and I highly recommend it to everyone, whether you are woo-woo like me or not. Together we practiced giving and receiving non-sensual adoration. For example, we bathed each other’s feet, fed each other chocolate, and showered words of affirmation on each other. We also opened up our hearts to speak vulnerable truths. At one point, we were invited to let go of something we no longer needed. I lit a small candle, and into it I whispered the words, “I let go of the need to be right.” And then with one breath, I blew out the flame and let it go! ~ Gayle Roberts, San Francisco

”Wow, the Adoration Ceremony was so much more powerful than I imagined. I arrived nervous, shy, and unsure of what might happen, and I emerged filled with gratitude, radiance, joy, and many new friends. Thank you Monique, for this incredible gift”

”Monique’s Adoration Ceremony was an experience to remember. Allowing Sacred Space for all to express themselves in whatever ways they needed to heal and come into their own sacred divinity.”

“The Art of Adoration Ceremony created a nurturing environment that invited so much release. I feel like parts of my soul have been born again”

About your Facilitators:

Monique Darling, Author of ‘Beyond Cuddle Party’ and workshop facilitator extraordinaire has led over 2000 workshops in the past 10 years. She is the founder of Juicy Enlightenment an organization dedicated to empowering people who are questioning the assumptions of how their life should be and to offering tools for self expression that create trust, inner knowing and wisdom to enjoy the life they have. Monique has taught at colleges across the US including Yale. She has been featured on TLC and The Dr’s as well as various radio shows, podcasts and magazines across the globe. She specializes in helping others reclaim their power and natural sensuality by transmuting fear and repression into courage, self-love and freedom. Her primary purpose is helping folks bring out their vulnerability, energetic embodiment and fearless relating. Learn more about Monique by going to

Peter Petersen has been teaching for 17 years and has been a certified Sheng Zhen Qigong teacher for the last 15 years, where he has been teaching in health clubs, hospitals, retirement villas, and several different wellness/spa resorts in Mexico and the United States, such as Rancho La Puerta, Mayacamas Ranch, and Present Moment Retreat. Peter has traveled with Monique for over the last 3 years teaching Tantra all over North America, the EU, Asia, and Australia. Peter is also a personal wellness coach. This Qigong practice helps people ground themselves into their “now” to increase their present moment awareness of their behaviors, and find solutions to problematic habits such as: eating, moving, negative thinking, and sleeping. The result of this tool box of healthy information is that clients become their own health advocate and regain a sense of stability, peace, and well-being into their everyday lives.