Shadow & Light Temple Play Party with Lin, Monique, & Peter

09/24/2019, Iron Giant Loft

Shadow & Light Temple Play Party with Lin, Monique, & Peter

One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light,
but by making the darkness conscious.Carl Jung

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Scroll to the bottom of the page to purchase tickets from Eventbrite.

Peter Petersen and I are super excited to welcome to our California community, Lin Holmquist.
Lin is from Sweden, but teaches and travels around the globe offering Tantra. She also organizes the worlds largest Tantra festival every August at Angsbacka.
We have taught with her, and love her enthusiasm, her vulnerable stories, and her commitment to coming back to the truth of who we are. She is equally excited about the science as she is about the mystical.
She rarely comes to America or California so come enjoy her magic and let’s give her a warm welcome.

In order to heal yourself and your relationships you have to become comfortable with your shadow side. This is your dark side, the part of yourself that you are unaware of, ashamed of or embarrassed about. It is fear, judgment, perfectionism, control, resentment, regret, guilt, anger and greed. Each of these is part of you and me. The reason we recognize these traits in others is because we have them in us, we are projecting it onto others. Instead of denying our shadow side, we can become grateful for it because it allows us to heal and grow. When we are ready to truly improve ourselves we recognize that the person or situation upsetting us is actually mirroring what we need to heal within ourselves.

Remember to be loving and compassionate with yourself as you take a personal inventory. With honesty you will be able to recognize your patterns. As we gain clarity about our hidden patterns and receive advice on how to release them We find a new level of love and joy. The shadow is not to be seen as something bad. Quite the opposite. It’s exactly what we need to embrace, love and accept about ourselves in order to feel a deep authentic self-love. Everybody has a shadow side. No one is immune to it. It is how we survived any difficulties during our childhood and upbringing. Releasing our subconscious patterns and pains takes us to a new level of consciousness.

From that place we are ready to step into our brightest light… no more wiling or wanting to hold back to play small.

This entire Temple Play Party is there to help you find your patterns, the shadows running you behind the scenes so that you may step into your greatest joy and radiance.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”-Marianne Williamson

There will be many stations/islands devoted to you exploring your deepest angel and your darkest shadow.
Kink, light worker, sensations, archetypes, food play, dancing, enjoy a night of play of your choosing diving into all the aspects of yourself.
This is an experiential play party for the sensually adventurous. This special evening welcomes ALL and is very gender friendly. This is an invitation to dive deeply into yourself and each other in ways you may have been afraid to do in the past. This is the play party you want to come to even if you’ve never been to a play party before.
What is Play with a capital “P”?

Play with a capital “P” is whatever it means to you. You are invited to co-create whatever feeds your soul. Participation (also with a capital “P”) can mean many things and voyeurs are as warmly welcomed as the most actively engaged. It’s a sensual space where participants are encouraged to explore themselves and others in ways that are stimulating, nurturing, exciting, safe and FUN!

Come dressed up as your deepest dark or light fantasy…

Love Exchange begins at Non binary and Female identified $30, Male identified $55 pairs $80

About Your Facilitators:

Lin started her spiritual path with the ancient shamanism of the Swedish forests. Coming from the world beyond worlds, she studied the wisdom of the body and mind and worked many years as a yogatherapist and a yoga teacher – until tantra came in to her life. Tantra unites the world beyond with the world of forms and shapes.

Lin is a world traveling tantrica, dedicated to awaken her self and others to the magic of life. She works with individuals as a sexual healer, with groups and big events like trainings and festivals and she combines it with a passionate family life. Many people wonder how she manages all of this – the truth is – Lin follows ease and bliss in life. She see her self as a tool of the ultimate visdom and practices surrender and trust to the divine in everything she does.

Monique Darling, Author of ‘Beyond Cuddle Party’ and workshop facilitator extraordinaire, was born on this planet with the unique gifts and soul calling to help you remember how magnificent you truly are! Messages from your ancestors, your spirit guides, your body, nature, your soul, are all called upon and utilized so that you walk away knowing how deeply the cosmos loves you for YOU, exactly as you are, so you can begin to love and accept yourself too.
YOU, you are the gift!

Peter Petersen has been teaching qigong for 18 years and has been a certified massage therapist for the last 16 years. Peter has been teaching in health clubs, hospitals, retirement villas, and several different wellness/spa resorts in Mexico and the United States, such as Rancho La Puerta, Mayacamas Ranch, and Present Moment Retreat. Peter is also a personal wellness coach. This Qigong practice helps people ground themselves into their “now” to increase their present moment awareness of their behaviors, and find simple solutions to problematic habits such as: eating, moving, negative thinking, and sleeping. The result of this tool box of healthy information is that clients become their own health advocate and regain a sense of stability, peace, and well-being into their everyday lives.