2019 Transformational Intensive for Extraordinary Facilitators

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2019 Transformational Intensive for Extraordinary Facilitators

Announcing the 2019 Transformational Intensive for Extraordinary Facilitators

It’s our fifth year, and each one gets better than the last!! This year, it’s on Big Island, Hawaii!

This is an incredibly sacred and beloved land that has my friend Robert Silber’s vision for many years. He is the steward, and loves sharing the bounty of the land with our community.

7 days. 8 extraordinary teachers.

We are opening registration for just 20 attendees (Our first ticket has already sold)! Every year we have sold out!!! RSVP now!

This price includes a bed at the retreat center, food, all the incredible nightime activites, a beautiful land to explore, plus who wouldn’t want to be in Hawaii in November? There is also a watsu pool and facilitators available for hire.

This is the greatest creative inspiration I have ever created. It’s a culmination of my life’s work thus far. I have spent twelve years now traveling the country learning and practicing these tools and now I want to share them with you.

So many of you have asked for the steps, for a training to be able to do what I do, well I’m going to offer you one better…I’m going to offer you an intensive; a “Monique Boot Camp” if you will, with myself and some other extraordinary facilitators, to help you find out what’s in the way of you being able to offer your greatest gift to the world to your clients, workshop attendees, partners, every aspect of your life, YOU! You are the gift!!


I was triggered, I was overwhelmed, I was expanded. A switch was flipped from off to on. I am on now. Read more “Nathan”



Do it. Best investment I’ve made to myself and the growth of my business. It empowered me to get clear about what my gifts are and how to share them. It inspired me to get creative and productive. Read more “Sasha”



Most important for me are inner peace and calm and higher efficacy in my work with clients. If I start to feel stressed or “off”, I connect to my yoni and the life force starts to flow through me again. I learned a lot but most importantly I am a changed person. Read more “Lourdes”



Well I learned how to be my best self now and that I can be a teacher and learned about my limiting beliefs and how to change the ones that weren’t serving me into something better, and a lot more, it really opened my eyes to the possibilities. Read more “Michael”



Knowledge is power and I feel like dynamite after the intensive. I’ve been to many retreats and workshops and this one is so packed full of useful applicable information the value is definitely there Read more “Maria”


Let's start with the dates Oct 31 - Nov 7, 2019

It will be limited to 20 participants, an intimate group, that will eat together, sleep together, learn, expand, and transform together in a gorgeous private off-grid festival and retreat center on the Big Island of Hawaii mere minutes from the beach.

I have assembled some of the most incredible facilitators on the planet into one place;

This year’s lineup includes Lawrence Lanoff, Monique Darling, Peter Petersen, Shawn Roop, Cathy Vartuli, Shezza Walters, Sasha Rose Love and Jade Rajbir Kaur (and we may have a few surprise guest teachers as well!!!)

Monique DarlingPeter PetersenShawn RoopLawrence LanoffCathy VartuliShezza WaltersSasha RoseJade Rajbir KaurEmily Orum
Monique Darling, Author of Beyond Cuddle Party and workshop facilitator extraordinaire has led over 2000 workshops in the past 10 years. She is the founder of Juicy Enlightenment, an organization dedicated to empowering people who are questioning the assumptions of how their life should be and offering tools for self-expression that create trust, inner knowing, and wisdom to enjoy the life they have. Monique has taught at colleges across the US including Yale. She has been featured on TLC and The Dr’s as well as various radio shows, podcasts and magazines across the globe. She specializes in helping others reclaim their power and natural sensuality by transmuting fear and repression into courage, self-love and freedom. Her primary purpose is helping folks bring out their vulnerability, energetic embodiment and fearless relating. Learn more about Monique by going to www.everydaytantra.com or track her whereabouts at www.whereintheworldismoniquedarling.com
Peter Petersen has been teaching for 17 years and has been a certified Sheng Zhen Qigong teacher for the last 14 years, where he has been teaching in health clubs, hospitals, retirement villas, and several different wellness/spa resorts in Mexico and the United States, such as Rancho La Puerta, Mayacamas Ranch, and Present Moment Retreat. Peter is also a personal wellness coach. This Qigong practice helps people ground themselves into their “now” to increase their present moment awareness of their behaviors, and find solutions to problematic habits such as: eating, moving, negative thinking, and sleeping. The result of this tool box of healthy information is that clients become their own health advocate and regain a sense of stability, peace, and well-being into their everyday lives.
Shawn Roop has been a student and teacher of life wisdom since 1989. He is the founder of Tantra Quest, author of Pathway To Love: 28 Days To Self Love and holds a Bachelors in Sociology. Shawn is a Master Practitioner of NLP, a Certified Tantric Therapist and a Certified Master Tantric Counselor. Featured in numerous media appearances on NBC, Fox, E!, The Travel Channel, USA and Playboy Radio, as well as other radio and print articles, Shawn is proud to share his work with the intention to support healthy embodiment, personal empowerment and spiritual growth.
Lawrence Lanoff, Sedona, AZ is one of the most fascinating people on the teaching landscape. Truly a renaissance man, Lawrence is a film director, photographer, author and a deeply enlightened healer and teacher. He calls himself a “rubber meets the road kinda guy” as he applies this practical essence to his artistic and spiritual skills over a 20 year span, to an amazing array of disciplines, starting with a couple of dream jobs – the directing of movies and as a photographer for Playboy Magazine. Over the past several years, Lawrence has been in a process of refining his radical teachings, leading people into a new kind of freedom, literally deprogramming them from the sleep imposed by cults and religions. What is slowly evolving is a revolutionary new theory of consciousness that incorporates evolution, symbolism, metaphor, neurobiology, and their relationship to healing, spiritual evolution, and neuro-economics — the neural pathways that influences our deepest feelings about self worth and money, and, of course, s@x and relationships. www.lawrencelanoff.com
Cathy Vartuli is a PhD Engineer and Research Scientist turned Relationship and Sex Educator, a best selling author, and has taught and presented internationally on relationship skills, body image, trauma release, and sexuality. She mentors and consults with sex-positive marketers to help them reach more people in more powerful ways. She knows how painful it can be to have a message and skills to share, but be too shy or awkward to share, and loves helping people find their authentic voice so they can make a difference in the world. Knowing the work she and her partners did was valuable, but not reaching a larger audience, she used her research skills to understand how heart-centered and inspirational marketing could be used for subjects on intimacy and sexuality. She went from someone who wouldn’t show her photo on websites (for fear her weight would harm her partner’s reputations) to sharing her videos – over 4 million views on YouTube, her story and her weight with over 50,000 people, and getting standing ovations from stage. Cathy’s produced and marketed numerous live events in the sex-positive educator and marketing space, including Sex Geek Summer Camp 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017, Sex Geek Design Studio, Sex Geek Conservatory, Speakers Kit, Sex Geek Sponsorship 101, as well as webinars, summits, and launches. She’s presented marketing skills at Woodhull Sexual Freedom Summit, CatalystCon, Converge Con, AASECT, as well as Sex Geek Summer Camp each year, Conservatory, Speakers Kit, Sex Geek Sponsorship 101. Her focuses are on Affiliate Marketing, Content Marketing, Copy Writing and using Story, and Youtube. She helps sex educators leverage their shyness and awkwardness to relate to potential clients in authentic ways, and to inspire the growth and change they want to create. You can find out more about Cathy at www.TheIntimacyDojo.com.
Shezza Walters is a Tantra teacher, Love coach, and embodiment magician. She has a passion for helping people to love all parts of themselves and find freedom within. She combines the spirituality and the sexy in an innovative and fun way. She helps people connect to their own heart, find more pleasure in their bodies, and have more fulfilling intimacy with others while seeing the Divine Beauty in all of life.
“Our bodies are so wise! We just have to REmember how to listen to them.” Sasha Rose is an intuitive healer & life coach. She integrates her years of study in holistic health, somatic processing, tantra, touch therapy & shamanism to empower & support people in creating the life they truly desire. By Reconnecting heart, body, mind and soul, we can truly live in BLISS~ www.awakenbliss.me
Originally from NYC, Jade's worn many hats, from managing 7 multi-million dollar companies, to teaching full contact fighting, from setting up art galleries and museums worldwide, to managing millions as a Daytrader, etc. After almost dying in her 20's, she recommitted her life to Spirit and started a new life based on Wellness and Soul Evolution. Jade now considers Hawai'i her home and loves to create customized Transformational Healing Immersions for her clients. Besides serving her international clientele, she also leads powerful? Kundalini Yoga-based & Sound Healing Events, Workshops and Retreats at her Lava Temple facing the Volcano; as well as other venues in Hawaii, NYC and Asia. Jade is also Founder of the Adi Shakti Refuge and Co-Founder of the Malama Ki Buddha Wisdom Garden and PAWA (Paradise Action Women's Alliance). Please inquire if you're ready for your next level of Soul Evolution. www.theradiantlotus.org
Emily Orum is a pioneer and expert of evolutionary relating, intimacy, love, and personal empowerment. She is a Sex Positive LGBTQ Advocate that embraces a world of radical acceptance, inclusion, harmony, belonging and celebration within each other’s differences. She aims to empower each individual to design and create their own unique love style to get the relationship(s), sex, and intimacy they want. Her Heart Ninja tool belt is extensive embodying the tools of emotional and somatic intelligence, codependence recovery, and over 15 years of therapeutic practices. She has achieved numerous certifications, and a range of skills and gifts as a Bodyworker, Sound Healer, Singer and Visionary Craniosacral Practitioner. She is the co-founder of the Love Coach Academy where she mentors other coaches. Emily is passionate about coaching her clients to embrace all aspects of their humanness and to integrate it into their divine nature! She is known for her uplifting and inspirational coaching style of honesty, vulnerability, authenticity, and joyfulness! Emily Orum flies free to lead others to the light of healing and transformation so they can shine in their liberated truth and love as they were destined to. www.heartninja.net

These amazing people are international experts in the disciplines of :

  • Authenticity and Vulnerability
  • Sacred S@xuality
  • Radical Self Acceptance
  • Personal Accountability
  • Energetic Mastery
  • Tantra
  • Orgasmic Touch
  • Personal Rapport
  • Fearless Relating
  • Practitioner Financial Stability (business savvy to make money doing what you love)

I have crammed the juiciest, the most divine, the most potent things I have learned into these 7 days. This will push you.

Wherever you are at in your practice, whether you are just getting started and could use a wider range of tools, or you have been facilitating for years and have reached a plateau, or you are going strong but in danger of settling into a comfort zone. This will invite you to new levels, to deeper depths. I am offering the steps that I took (concentrated), real world tools for practitioners who are ready to take their next step, fundamentals for advanced studies, including offering my top mistakes and the greatest gifts I got from them, so you won't have to make them!

You will also get access to a private facebook group for follow up and support to integrate the unique concepts you take away from the experience.

Intrigued yet?

I call it a Transformational Intensive for Extraordinary Facilitators. It's $2997 for the first one to buy, then $3247 for the next 3 of you who join, it's only $3497 after that. There is a payment plan that works like this: $1,500 down (nonrefundable), $1,500 by June, and the final $1,000 by Sep 1st, or pay $500 per month after the down payment. Whether you go with the payment plan or pay it all up front you will want to get your tickets soon because…

I will be interviewing this year's facilitators one by one until you have had a chance to meet them all. Each teacher is going to give their perspective on the three fundamental elements that this entire intensive is about.

  • Self Acceptance
  • Self Love
  • Self Accountability

A pre-call from each of our presenters, and post follow up integration with a Facebook group where you can share ideas, questions, and we can all follow up with each other as you bring forth your extraordinary Facilitator skills into the world.

and sooooooooo much more!

The 7 days will include

How to do your own inner work on a consistent basis so that you are available to be the most impeccable conscientious present facilitator/practitioner you can be and ultimately how to find your own path of falling in love with yourself.

Check in’s every morning, as I help you integrate the lessons from the day before, and introduce the new presenter and why I chose them to add to our adventure, how they shaped my life/practice.

  • The Fundamentals (Monique and Peter)
  • Tips, Skills, & a frank discussion on what it takes to stay sane when the road IS home.
  • How to Juggle relationships without having a "home base."
  • Navigate clients that wish more ongoing work, when you won't be back for another 6 months (Empowerment VS Enabling).
  • Get super clear on self-care requirements, and ask for you what you need ahead of time from your hosts/producers
  • Establish networking circles, create healthy win/wins with hosts/producers of your events in each city
  • And The big one…How to prioritize your time, delegate to others, take time off to sight see, yet create a sustainable financial system for ongoing classes, workshops and sessions.
  • Diversity, especially around race
  • Compassionate Communication/ Repair/ Conflict Resolution
  • Yoga
  • Ways to support life change, relationships transitions, and how to bring a person into pure purpose.
  • Ideas to impact the societal level with your gifts and wisdom.
  • Gain the skills to create ideal, repeat, high dollar clientele.
  • How to not facilitate/practice as a wounded healer.
  • "Dangerous Tantra"
  • Learn how to incorporate hands on demonstrations into your educational offerings!
  • Consent, why it’s crucial to an ethical practice, and demonstrate tools you can teach your clients in-session that help them learn how to both listen to and voice their authentic needs and desires.
  • How to break through belief systems, first your own so you can see more clearly past your own filters and then how to help your clients and workshop attendees break through theirs.
  • Learn to see life using pleasure as your gauge.
  • Cryptocurrency
  • The delicious land of Energetics.
  • Lawrence Lanoff's "the 5 games" we are all playing in life
  • How to change lives AND get paid decently for it?
  • A learnable approach to the business of being a s@x educator that would augment your strengths, make you more prolific with less stress, inspire your fans and clients, free up more time for you to relax and recharge, and help you make money without feeling “salesy,” pushy, or creepy?
  • 3 crushing mistakes most s@x educators are making that leave them frustrated, burnout and broke, and the successful business models and practices that will help you turn your calling into a life-long, successful career.

We will close out this incredible week of extraordinariness with an Energetic S@x Play Party to help integrate everything you have learned this week.

All of this for $2997

$3247 $2997 - save $500 if you are the first person to pay it all at once
$3247 - save $250 for the next two persons to pay all at once

All tickets after the first three are at the regular $3497 price
You can pay 3 payments of $1,500 down (non refundable), second payment of $1,500, final payment of $1.000 by Sep 15

(LIMITED TO 20 participants!)

Visit the 2019 Transformational Intensive for Extraordinary Facilitators Facebook Event page

Pics n' Vids

Overview | Testimonials | More Info | RSVP | Pics n' Vids